June 8, 2007

Letters to the Editor

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Church leaders have an obligation to teach and defend our faith

It seems to me that Catholics are getting more and more liberal in our acceptance of Catholic teachings.

For instance, how easily we seem to accept the stance of some of our “Catholic” politicians. How politicians can profess to be a Catholic and continue to support the killing of innocent persons in the womb, in nursing homes or through partial-birth abortions is beyond me.

This would also include the death penalty, not to mention same-sex marriages (and the list could go on). Personally, I don’t think they are fit to serve in public office.

What disturbs me almost as much is that it seems that some of our hierarchy, who are responsible for shepherding our souls, appears to accept these activities because they are apparently unwilling to rock the boat.

Shouldn’t they take a stronger stand in defining to these people what it really means to be Catholic and not be so wishy-washy in confronting these issues? I believe our Church leaders have an obligation to teach our Catholic faith and not play political games.

They need to continue to teach what the Church has taught from St. Peter down to Pope Benedict XVI and not alter the teaching to pander to the whims of certain people.

I’m proud of my Catholic faith and feel we need to strengthen our Church, not weaken it. I believe when we weaken it, we are encouraging the exodus of some of our Catholics to worship elsewhere because, while we are not saying so directly, we are saying indirectly that our Church is not the one true Church established by Jesus.

- W.L. O’Bryan

New Albany


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