May 24, 2013

Events Calendar

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The Coming Week - - - General - - - Retreats


The Coming Week

May 25

St. John the Evangelist Church, 126 W. Georgia St., Indianapolis. Rosary procession, following 12:10 p.m. Mass, pray and process through the streets of downtown Indianapolis. Information:

May 27

Calvary Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 435 W. Troy Ave.,

Indianapolis. Memorial Day Mass, noon. Information: 317-784-4439 or

Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Mausoleum Chapel, 9001 N. Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Memorial Day Mass, noon. Information: 317-574-8898 or

May 30-June 7

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 1530 Union St., Indianapolis. Nine-day Novena to Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Year of Faith, 6:30 p.m. each day. Information: 317-638-5551.

June 2

SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, 1347 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. St. Agnes Academy All-Class Mass and Reunion, 10:30 a.m., brunch following Mass at the Riviera Club, 5640 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis. RSVP by May 30. Information: 765-932-2873.

June 4

St. Monica Parish, Parish Ministry Center, 6131 N. Michigan Road, Indianapolis. Catholic Adult Fellowship, for all Catholics age 21 and over, “Women in the Bible” dramatic presentation by Sandra Hartlieb. Event is free, but good will offerings accepted for prison outreach ministry. Information: 317-410-4870.

June 5

Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, Catholic, educational, charitable and social singles, 50 and over, single, separated, widowed or divorced. New members welcome. 6:30 p.m. Information: 317-370-1189.

June 8

St. Roch Parish, Family Life Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Single Seniors meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 and over. Information: 317-784-4207.

June 10

New Albany, Fourth St. and Riverfront Plaza, Louisville. New Albany Deanery Catholic Youth Ministries, “Belle of Louisville Cruise,” 6th-8th grade students, 6:30-10 p.m., $20 per person. Information: 812-945-2000 or

June 11

St. Paul Hermitage, 501 N. 17th Ave., Beech Grove. Ave Maria Guild guest day luncheon, noon. Information: 317-865-0910 or

June 15

Our Lady of the Greenwood, 335 S. Meridian St., Greenwood. Marriage enrichment, “Celebrate Marriage!,” 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Mass, 5:30 p.m., renewal of wedding vows during Mass, $15 per couple includes lunch, registration deadline June 8, childcare available from 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m., spaces are limited. Information: 317-888-2861 or

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General Announcements

Former St. Francis de Sales School to hold second all-school reunion

The former St. Francis de Sales School in Indianapolis will hold its second all-school reunion at the parish life center at Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish, 399 S. Meridian St. in Greenwood, at noon on July 13.

St. Francis de Sales Parish and School were closed when the building of Interstate 70 split the parish in two. The final Mass was celebrated on June 19, 1983.

A $20 donation is requested, and can be mailed to Saint Francis de Sales, P.O. Box 19005, Indianapolis, IN 46219. Responses are requested by July 6.

For more information, call 317-987-6315. Information is also available on Facebook at “St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church and Grade School, Indianapolis IN”.


Israeli economist to give lecture on May 29 in Indianapolis

The Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council is hosting a lecture by renowned Israeli economist Yaacov Fisher at the Bureau of Jewish Education, 6711 Hoover Road in Indianapolis, at 7 p.m. on May 29.

The talk will address the interplay between business, society and policy-making in Israel; current geo-political happenings unfolding in the Middle East against the backdrop of Israel’s newly elected government; and pressing social issues.

Yaacov Fisher is recognized as a leading expert on analyzing the Israeli economy against the backdrop of the current political landscape. He has served on the boards of major international investment firms, and was recently appointed a member of Israel’s Public Advisory Council for Statistics.

For more information, call 317-255-3124.

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Retreats and Programs

May 17-19

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Tobit Weekend, registration fee $286 includes program, meals and overnight accommodations. Information:

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “The Biblical Story of David: Tales of an Over-Liver,” Benedictine Father Eugene Hensell, presenter. Information: 812-357-6585 or

Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality, 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mt. St. Francis. Women’s Retreat, “The Wellsprings of Prayer.” Information: 812-923-8817 or

May 19

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Pre Cana Conference, 1:15-6 p.m., $45 fee per couple. Registration:

May 24-26

Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality, 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mt. St. Francis. Women’s Retreat Weekend, “A Silent Spring Fling,” Information: 812-923-8817 or

May 31-June 2

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad. “Pray Your Way to Happiness,” Benedictine Brother Maurus Zoeller, presenter. Information: 812-357-6585 or

Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg. “Retreat: Individuation, Archetypes and Mythology,” Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind and Claire Sherman, presenters. Information: 812-933-6437 or

June 2

Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. “Thomas Merton-Dorothy Day Correspondence,” Benedictine Sister Julie Sewell and Mimi Ventresca, presenters, 2-5 p.m., free-will donation. Information: 317-788-7581 or

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