January 11, 2019

My Journey to God

I Will Go to the Manger

I will go to the manger
and pay homage to a King
I will go to the manger
and gaze longingly

I will go to the manger
and pray for freedom and peace
I will go to the manger
and say “Thank you. You came for me.”

I will go to the manger
and witness a promise fulfilled
I will go to the manger
and be forever changed

I will go to the manger
with renewed strength and hope
I will go to the manger
with a heart filled with joy

I will go to the manger
to welcome and encounter Christ
I will go to the manager
and reflect His Light

And then when this glorious season is done
It will be exactly as the poet said:
Now “The work of Christmas begins”

By Cathy Lamperski Dearing

(Cathy Lamperski Dearing is a member of St. Barnabas Parish in Indianapolis.)

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