What was in The Criterion in 1964?
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- What was in the news on Jan. 10, 1964? Pope Paul VI makes a historic trip to the Holy Land, and an editorial rails again miscegenation laws
- What was in the news on Jan. 17, 1964? The power of the papacy, a call for a council every 10 years, and the war on poverty
- What was in the news on Jan. 31, 1964? The pope puts some liturgical reforms into place, and an archbishop sees the liturgy released from chains
- What was in the news on Feb. 14, 1964? Comprehensive civil rights bill up for a Senate vote, and The Beatles invading America viewed as a passing fad
- What was in the news on Feb. 21, 1964? Discussion about receiving Communion under the form of both bread and wine
- What was in the news on March 6, 1964? Opposition to apartheid, and a clarification on liturgical changes by a Vatican commission
- What was in the news on March 13, 1964? A new schema on ecumenism is prepared for the council, and a look at poverty in Indianapolis
- What was in the news on March 20, 1964? President Johnson’s anti-poverty drive, and novices, priests and brothers assist flood victims in southern Indiana
- What was in the news on March 27, 1964? Archbishop Schulte to meet with a U.S. Orthodox leader, and a mountain is gifted to a religious order
- What was in the news on April 3, 1964? The president asks for civil rights support from churches, and a debate over televising the Mass
- What was in the news on April 10, 1964? A call to reduce the workload of the Council and worries about the end of Gregorian chant
- What was in the news on April 17, 1964? A joint campaign for civil rights, a call for episcopal unity and a hope for moral means of regulating families
- What was in the news on May 1, 1964? A call for the passage of a federal civil rights law, and to reject an evil racist philosophy
- What was in the news on May 8, 1964? A prediction for a fourth session of the Second Vatican Council, and a call for prayers
- What was in the news on May 15, 1964? Proposals for the use of vernacular in the Mass are approved, and discussion about the pill
- What was in the news on May 22, 1964? English in the Mass is on the way, and Pope Paul VI creates secretariat for non-Christians
- What was in the news on May 29, 1964? Priests needs to help teach liturgy reforms to the laity, and the Knights of Columbus change membership rules
- What was in the news on June 5, 1964? Retired priest for the archdiocese remembers tending to his flock on horseback
- What was in the news on June 19, 1964? ‘Socialization’ norms outlined by the Vatican, and Dutch theologian says changes possible in papal role
- What was in the news on June 26, 1964? Pope Paul plans to make pronouncement on the pill, and the Civil Rights Act about to become law
- What was in the news on July 3, 1964? Local religious sisters celebrate milestones and a reflection on the initial delay of the Civil Rights Bill
- What was in the news on July 10, 1964? Religious leaders praise the newly passed Civil Rights Bill, and Father Hesburgh is honored by the president
- What was in the news on July 17, 1964? The right of workers in economic policy, and a call to end the ‘legal murder’ of capital punishment
- What was in the news on July 24, 1964? English translations for the Mass are approved by the Vatican, and an Orthodox prelate sees hope for unity
- What was in the news on July 31, 1964? Thoughts on the upcoming third session of the Second Vatican Council, and number of Cuban refugees grows
- What was in the news on August 7, 1964? A suggestion for a ‘little council,’ and the archdiocese trains lay catechists
- What was in the news on August 14, 1964? Pope Paul issues his first encyclical
- What was in the news on August 21, 1964? A prelate calls for participation at all Masses, and reaction to Pope Paul’s first encyclical
- What was in the news on August 28, 1964? An English Mass is previewed as the United States gets ready for sacraments in the vernacular
- What was in the news on September 4, 1964? Pope Paul VI calls for peace, and Catholic school enrollment hits a new high in the archdiocese
- What was in the news on September 11, 1964? As the third session of Vatican II prepares to open, ecumenism is seen at a central theme
- What was in the news on Sept. 18, 1964? Pope Paul says that the council will give special focus to the role of bishops
- What was in the news on September 25, 1964? The council approves the teaching on collegiality, and Americans launch a campaign for a declaration on religious liberty
- What was in the news on October 2, 1964? The council restores the permanent diaconate, and our editor reports on the historic nature of the vote on collegiality
- What was in the news on October 9, 1964? The Council admits faults toward other churches and a local guide is released for parents of teenagers
- What was in the news on October 16, 1964? An attempt to thwart the Council is stopped, and suggestions made for clergy attire and church décor
- What was in the news on October 23, 1964? Vatican II deals with the modern world, Pope Paul VI to India and a date is set for the Mass in English
- What was in the news on October 30, 1964? Talk of religious liberty at the Council, and a debate about birth control
- What was in the news on Nov. 13, 1964? The council continues with debate on ban on nuclear weapons
- What was in the news on November 20, 1964? Editorials discuss the early arrival of Christmas, and the remembrance of a sad anniversary
- What was in the news on November 27, 1964? The ‘new Mass’ is introduced, and the third session of the Second Vatican Council closes
- What was in the news on December 4, 1964? Editorials note the reaction to the ‘new Mass,’ and the launching of an important space mission
- What was in the news on December 11, 1964? The hierarchy is critical of movie trends, and Catholics adjust to the ‘New Mass’